Genre: Comedy
Network: CBS
Premiere: 22/Sep/2007
Summary: The Big Bang Theory is a comedy series about four young scientists who know all about the world of physics, and one girl, who gives the physics world a real spin. Leonard Hofstadter is a smart guy who tries his best to complete his research and become famous for his work while also attempting to be the most socially-interacting guy in their friend group. Sheldon Cooper is one of the world’s smartest men with an intellectual capacity through the roof and a language with scientific words normal people only have one comment to (“What?”). Though it’s never been said by himself, all signs throughout the show point to him having the Asperger Syndrome, making him the smartest, but also least social, group member. Howard Wolowitz is an engineer with his mind partially on science, but mostly on women. He always tries his best to impress a girl and get his share of sexual intercourses, but he always manages to screw up somehow.
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Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8